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Official Salomé Documentation

The original online documentation of Salomé can be found here:

Link: User Section

Installing Salome-Meca-2008.1

by William Hunter

How to install Salome-Meca 2008.1 GPL binary package on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)

Link: Doc:Installing Salome-Meca-2008.1

Solving installation problems

by Kees Wouters

Notes to help you solve your Salome & Salome-Meca installation problems & troubleshooting

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/installproblems

Using RunSession

How to use Salomé's RunSession mechanism to execute a script in an already running instance of Salomé; usefull for parametric study !

Link: RunSession


Salome-Meca Examples by Claws

Salome-Meca 2009 & Code-Aster 9.4 examples


  • Linear statics of an H-beam
  • Converting a mesh from linear to quadratic (2nd order) and projecting the result onto a linear mesh
  • Outputting to Ensight format
  • Non-linear plasticity study
  • Contact

Link: Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/9.04cases

Salome-Meca 2010 & Code-Aster 10.1 examples


  • Applying torque to a structure - LIAISON_SOLIDE
  • Using parameters in C_A
  • Creating an animated GIF file of results
  • LIAISON_ELEM:Connecting 3D structures to 1D elements; using beams to substitute 3D geometry
  • Describing geometry with AFFE_CARA_ELEM

Link: Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/10 1 x cases

Other tutorials by Claws

Link: Contrib:Claws

Extrusion geometry and extruded prismatic meshing

by J. Cugnoni

These small examples will teach you how to create extrusion geometry based on a 2D sketch and how to create a 3D extrusion mesh made of prisms.


Sheetmetal spring with contact

This contribution mainly focuses on the use of Salome, Code Aster and particular howto deal with shell elements and contact. By Johnnygeling

Link: Contrib:Johnnygeling/springplate

Salome-Meca Tutorials by Kees Wouters

Using partitions & compounds in Salome-Meca

When you need to apply different material properties to different parts of a mesh, the most efficient method is to create partitions in your model to produce a so-called compound object. This tutorials explains you how to do it in details.

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/partition

Static analysis of a shell construction


  • Shell model preparation in Salomé
  • Partitionning
  • Meshing

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/shell/static

Analysis of a simple sheet metal spring construction


  • Shell model preparation
  • Meshing
  • Definition of groups to apply different loading conditions

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/spring

Other tutorials by Kees Wouters

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters

A real world study: static analysis of a press

by Cacciatorino

A tutorial regarding the analysis of the frame of a little press.

The whole work-flow is described:

1) Case description

2) Importing and modifying geometry

3) Meshing

4) Comm file creation

5) Post-pro managing

6) Discussion of results

Link: Contrib:Cacciatorino

Defining Mesh groups using TUI scripts

by JMB

Here we will show some rapid ways to group nodes or elements using Python scripts (TUI - Text User Interface) that are much faster (10 times or more) and more flexible compared to using the GUI methods

Link: Contrib:JMB/SalomeGroupsTUI

Doing an automated study with Salome and Code-Aster

by Projectionist

Level: advanced


  • Definition of parameters
  • Running TUI script
  • Running a parametric study

Link: Contrib:Projectionist/Extra01

Related Projects

FEA data exchange between Salomé and Calculix/Abaqus: MedAba project

by Otto Ernst Bernhardi

This project aims at developing a file conversion tool to facilitate the exchange of FEA meshes between Salome MED format and Calculix (link) / Abaqus INP format.

This software is developed by Otto Ernst Bernhardi and is provided "as is" without warranty.

Link: Proj:MedAba

FEA data exchange: UNV2X / X2UNV project

This project aims at developing a set of file conversion tools & libraries in order to facilitate the bi-directionnal exchange of FEA data between open-source CAE softwares.

The file format chosen here to create this basic data transfer layer is the I-Deas Universal File Format (also called UNV or UFF) that is already widely used in both commercial & free CAE softwares.

Link: Proj:UNVConvert