Welcome to CAELinux Community Portal, the best place to share your experience & knowledge with all the users of CAELinux.
This site is based on the model of a collaborative Wiki (like Wikipedia) and everybody is welcome to contribute to its content.
The only rule is this: Create an account & start sharing your experience with other users!
For Editors, please respect the sections structures by using the correct Section prefix in new page names (like Doc:MyTutorial
If you are planning to edit some page in this wiki and want some help about how to do it , please check this very usefull guide before modify some important resource.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page
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If you don't know what CAELinux is, jump to this site: CAELinux.com
CAELinux Documentation
Note: these categories are being reorganized... expect some changes soon
- Doc:Main This section contains all the tutorial / documents to learn how to use CAELinux in an efficient way
- Doc:PCLinuxOS Contains the documents related to the Linux operating system (PCLinuxOS) used in older CAELinux releases
- Doc:CAE Contains the documents related to the CAE softwares included in CAELinux
- Doc:CAETutorials Contains a list of tutorials related to the CAE softwares included in CAELinux
- Doc:Interop Is the section for discussing / sharing experience about CAE software interoperability / file formats conversion
- Doc:Trans Is the main section for finalized translated documents & internationalization patches
Sections of the Wiki
- Doc:Main Main page of the Documentation section.
- Sandbox Please use this section to learn how to use the Wiki.
- Proposed Interface There is some discussion on how to make the tutorials more assessable, here is one method
Development & Projects
- Proj:Main This section provides a space for collaborative projects related to CAELinux, like internationalization efforts, file conversion utilities, utilities, etc...
- Proj:CodeAsterIntl The main page for the translation of the documentation & software related to Code_Aster
- Proj:MedAba Mesh converter from Salomé MED format to Calculix / Abaqus INP format