[hide]- 1 Projects
- 1.1 Code-Aster Internationalization projects
- 1.2 Mesh conversion utilities
- 1.3 "Helpers": a collection of tools to simplify the interoperability of OpenSource CAE softwares (CAELinux 2007)
- 1.4 CAELinux Wizards: a collection of GUI Wizards tools to simplify the use of OpenSource CAE softwares (CAELinux 2011)
Proj:Main This section provides a space for collaborative projects related to CAELinux, like internationalization efforts, file conversion utilities, utilities etc...
Code-Aster Internationalization projects
Proj:CodeAsterIntl The main page for the translation of the documentation & softwares related to Code-Aster
Mesh conversion utilities
Proj:UNVConvert UNV2X is a collection of simple python scripts for conversion of I-Deas UNV meshes to "whatever format"
Proj:MedAba MedAba (by Otto Ernst Bernhardi): a tool to convert Salome MED Meshes to Calculix INP format
"Helpers": a collection of tools to simplify the interoperability of OpenSource CAE softwares (CAELinux 2007)
Proj:HelpersTools This page describes a set of tools / wizards designed to simplify the work with OpenSource CAE softwares. Visit this page to download the latest version of these tools (corresponds to the directory "/opt/helpers" of CAELinux).
CAELinux Wizards: a collection of GUI Wizards tools to simplify the use of OpenSource CAE softwares (CAELinux 2011)
Proj:CAELinuxWizards2011 This page describes a set of wizards designed to simplify the work with OpenSource CAE softwares like Code-Aster, Code-Saturne or OpenFOAM. These tools correspond to what is installed in the directory "/opt/caelinux" of CAELinux.