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Official Salomé Documentation

The original online documentation of Salomé can be found here:

Link: User Section

Installing Salome-Meca-2008.1

by William Hunter

How to install Salome-Meca 2008.1 GPL binary package on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)

Link: Doc:Installing Salome-Meca-2008.1

Solving installation problems

by Kees Wouters

Notes to help you solve your Salome & Salome-Meca installation problems & troubleshooting

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/installproblems

Using RunSession

How to use Salomé's RunSession mechanism to execute a script in an already running instance of Salomé; usefull for parametric study !

Link: RunSession


Salome-Meca Examples by Claws

Salome-Meca 2009 & Code-Aster 9.4 examples


  • Linear statics of an H-beam
  • Converting a mesh from linear to quadratic (2nd order) and projecting the result onto a linear mesh
  • Outputting to Ensight format
  • Non-linear plasticity study
  • Contact

Link: Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/9.04cases

Salome-Meca 2010 & Code-Aster 10.1 examples


  • Applying torque to a structure - LIAISON_SOLIDE
  • Using parameters in C_A
  • Creating an animated GIF file of results
  • LIAISON_ELEM:Connecting 3D structures to 1D elements; using beams to substitute 3D geometry
  • Describing geometry with AFFE_CARA_ELEM

Link: Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/10 1 x cases

Other tutorials by Claws

Link: Contrib:Claws

Sheetmetal spring with contact

This contribution mainly focuses on the use of Salome, Code Aster and particular howto deal with shell elements and contact. By Johnnygeling

Link: Contrib:Johnnygeling/springplate

Salome-Meca Tutorials by Kees Wouters

Using partitions & compounds in Salome-Meca

When you need to apply different material properties to different parts of a mesh, the most efficient method is to create partitions in your model to produce a so-called compound object. This tutorials explains you how to do it in details.

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/partition

Static analysis of a shell construction


  • Shell model preparation in Salomé
  • Partitionning
  • Meshing

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/shell/static

Analysis of a simple sheet metal spring construction


  • Shell model preparation
  • Meshing
  • Definition of groups to apply different loading conditions

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/spring

Other tutorials by Kees Wouters

Link: Contrib:KeesWouters

Extrusion geometry and extruded prismatic meshing

by J. Cugnoni

These small examples will teach you how to create extrusion geometry based on a 2D sketch and how to create a 3D extrusion mesh made of prisms.


A real world study: static analysis of a press

by Cacciatorino

A tutorial regarding the analysis of the frame of a little press.

The whole work-flow is described:

1) Case description

2) Importing and modifying geometry

3) Meshing

4) Comm file creation

5) Post-pro managing

6) Discussion of results

Link: Contrib:Cacciatorino

Defining Mesh groups using TUI scripts

by JMB

Here we will show some rapid ways to group nodes or elements using Python scripts (TUI - Text User Interface) that are much faster (10 times or more) and more flexible compared to using the GUI methods

Link: Contrib:JMB/SalomeGroupsTUI

How to begin with TUI Python Scripts

by JMB

Link: Contrib:JMB/SalomePythonBeginings

Automated study with Salome and Code-Aster

by Projectionist

Level: advanced


  • Definition of parameters
  • Running TUI script
  • Running a parametric study

Link: Contrib:Projectionist/Extra01

Related Projects

FEA data exchange between Salomé and Calculix/Abaqus: MedAba project

by Otto Ernst Bernhardi

This project aims at developing a file conversion tool to facilitate the exchange of FEA meshes between Salome MED format and Calculix (link) / Abaqus INP format.

This software is developed by Otto Ernst Bernhardi and is provided "as is" without warranty.

Link: Proj:MedAba

FEA data exchange: UNV2X / X2UNV project

This project aims at developing a set of file conversion tools & libraries in order to facilitate the bi-directionnal exchange of FEA data between open-source CAE softwares.

The file format chosen here to create this basic data transfer layer is the I-Deas Universal File Format (also called UNV or UFF) that is already widely used in both commercial & free CAE softwares.

Link: Proj:UNVConvert