- 1 Documentation
- 2 Tutorials
- 3 Related Projects
Official Code-Aster Documentation
The original online documentation of Code-Aster can be found here:
Link: Code-Aster Official Website
Automatically translated Code-Aster documentation
The original french documentation of Code-Aster has been automatically translated to english (and HTML) and is available here
Link: Proj:CodeAsterIntl
Salome-Meca Examples by Claws
Salome-Meca 2009 & Code-Aster 9.4 examples
- Linear statics of an H-beam
- Converting a mesh from linear to quadratic (2nd order) and projecting the result onto a linear mesh
- Outputting to Ensight format
- Non-linear plasticity study
- Contact
Link: Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/9.04cases
Salome-Meca 2010 & Code-Aster 10.X examples
- Applying torque to a structure - LIAISON_SOLIDE
- Using parameters in C_A
- Creating an animated GIF file of results
- LIAISON_ELEM:Connecting 3D structures to 1D elements; using beams to substitute 3D geometry
- Describing geometry with AFFE_CARA_ELEM
- Cables
- Tracing curves with Code_Aster and XMGrace
- Calculating assemblies with Code_Aster
- ASSE_MAIL for assembling the meshes
- LIAISON_MAIL for connecting the meshes
- IMPR_RESU - RESTRAINT for only printing the relevant results to the meshes
- Note on interpreting Von Mises stress in Salomé/Code_Aster
Link: Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/10 x cases
Other tutorials by Claws
Link: Contrib:Claws
Salome-Meca Tutorials by Kees Wouters
Using partitions & compounds in Salome-Meca
When you need to apply different material properties to different parts of a mesh, the most efficient method is to create partitions in your model to produce a so-called compound object. This tutorials explains you how to do it in details.
Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/partition
Static analysis of a shell construction
- Shell model preparation in Salomé
- Partitionning
- Meshing
Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/shell/static
Analysis of a simple sheet metal spring construction
- Shell model preparation
- Meshing
- Definition of groups to apply different loading conditions
Link: Contrib:KeesWouters/spring
Other tutorials by Kees Wouters
Link: Contrib:KeesWouters
Sheetmetal spring with contact
This contribution mainly focuses on the use of Salome, Code Aster and particular howto deal with shell elements and contact. By Johnnygeling
Link: Contrib:Johnnygeling/springplate
A real world study: static analysis of a press
by Cacciatorino
A tutorial regarding the analysis of the frame of a little press.
The whole work-flow is described:
1) Case description
2) Importing and modifying geometry
3) Meshing
4) Comm file creation
5) Post-pro managing
6) Discussion of results
Link: Contrib:Cacciatorino
Automated study with Salome and Code-Aster
by Projectionist
Level: advanced
- Definition of parameters
- Running TUI script
- Running a parametric study
Link: Contrib:Projectionist/Extra01
An introduction to Code_Aster
by Daniele Colombo (
Level: beginner
- Basic knowledge on how Code_Aster works
- Overview on how you can use Code_Aster with the pre/postprocessor tool Salome
- Overview on how you can use the SalomeMeca environment
Link: [[1] PDF docs - 71 pages]
SALOME-MECA Examples by Bracchesimo
by Bracchesimo
Level: Advanced
Structure Optimization with Code_Aster
- Performing 3D shape optimization by material removal
- Integration of python in .comm files
Link: Structure Optimization with Code_Aster
GuideLines on How to Chain Code-Aster and Code-Saturne
- Setting up the Aster-Job
- Setting up the Saturne-Job
- Setting up a chaining python script
Link: Fluid-Structure Interaction
Related Projects
Automatic translation of Code-Aster documentation
The original french documentation of Code-Aster has been automatically translated to english (and HTML). Details about this project are available here
Link: Proj:CodeAsterIntl