Difference between revisions of "Contrib:KeesWouters/shell/static"
Keeswouters (Talk | contribs) m (→'''Extraction of maximum displacements''') |
Keeswouters (Talk | contribs) m (→'''reactions''') |
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[Gives a bit strange results for now ....] | [Gives a bit strange results for now ....] | ||
+ | |||
+ | Note the the pressures have reversed sign here for nicer visual effect. | ||
Revision as of 16:32, 11 March 2010
Static analysis of a shell construction
[ .... under construction .... ]
This contribution is in close cooperation with Bridge.
In this example the following items are discussed:
- preproccesing:
- definition of geometry in Salome
- partitioning of the geometry and groups
- meshing of the geometry
- definition of the groups
- (maybe: python script which makes editing much easier ...)
- static analysis with pressure or force applied on a group or nodes
- postprocessing:
- viewing displacement in Salome
- determination of stresses
- interface ASTK
Definition of the geometry
planar shell
- L = 11.38 m
- Thickness = 0.55 m
[type] [group] [value]
- Presure1 (Fbot) = 29.5e3 Pa
- Presure2 (Fmain)= 25.8e3 Pa
- Presure3 (Ftop) = 24.3e3 Pa
- Presure4 (Fcentre1,Fcentre2)= 182.6e3 Pa
Boundary conditions:
- Lbot (DX=0.0, DY=0.0, DZ=0.0)
- Ltop (DZ=0.0)
- E = 32e9 Pa
- Nu = 0.2
Create all points and lines using: [New Entity]->[Basic}->[Point] and [New Entity]->[Basic]->[Line]
The coordinates are:
P1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0.000, 0.00, 0.00) P2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 11.380, 0.00, 0.00) P3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0.433, 2.25, 0.00) P4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 11.813, 2.25, 0.00) P5 = geompy.MakeVertex( 1.875, 9.75, 0.00) P6 = geompy.MakeVertex( 13.255, 9.75, 0.00) P7 = geompy.MakeVertex( 2.010, 10.45, 0.00) P8 = geompy.MakeVertex( 13.390, 10.45, 0.00)
P9 = geompy.MakeVertex( 5.300, 5.72, 0.00) P10 = geompy.MakeVertex( 5.300, 7.05, 0.00) P11 = geompy.MakeVertex( 9.830, 5.72, 0.00) P12 = geompy.MakeVertex( 9.830, 7.05, 0.00) P13 = geompy.MakeVertex( 5.300, 8.42, 0.00) P14 = geompy.MakeVertex( 5.300, 9.75, 0.00) P15 = geompy.MakeVertex( 9.830, 8.42, 0.00) P16 = geompy.MakeVertex( 9.830, 9.75, 0.00)
Create one big face Ftotal [New Entity]->[Build]->[Face]
Ftotal: Line7,Line6,Line8,Line12,Line11,Line10,Line9,Line1
Create three wires [New Entity]->[Build]->[Wire]
- Wire1: Line3,Line4,Line5
- Wire2: Line17,Line18,Line19
- Wire3: Line13,Line14,Line15,Line16
Create vector [New Entity]->[Basic]->[Vector]
Create four extrusions [New Entity]->[Generation]->[Extrusion]
- Extrusion1: Wire1,vz
- Extrusion2: Wire2,vz
- Extrusion3: Wire3,vz
- Extrusion4: Line2,vz
Partitioning of the geometry
Why do we need to partition the geometry? We need geometrical entities or groups for loads and boundary conditions. Partitioning the geometry makes sure that the for resulting mesh each group is meshed along its borders correctly and the mesh is connected between these groups.
Partitioning process: the geometry is divided by planes or other 2D surfaces. These Tool objects need to divide the geometry completely in two seperate parts. In Salome several Tool objects can be chosen in one Partition operation. After the partitioning the groups need to be created. In the Aster command file these groups can be used to define loads, boundary conditions, displacements, stresses, strains etc.
Create partition [Operations]->[Partition]
- Part_main: Ftotal,Extrusion1,Extrusion2,Extrusion3,Extrusion4
Create two groups for boundary conditions [New Entity]->[Group]->[Create]
Shape type: line
Main Shape: Part_main
- Lleft: left lines: Line7,Line8,Line9
- Lright: right lines: Line10,Line11,Line12
Triangle mesh
Set Mesh 1D: Composite Side discretisation
Set Mesh 1D Average lenght: 0,5
Mesh 2D settings: Netgen 2d
Mesh info:
Computed Mesh:
Since we are going to use COQUE_3D elements in the calculation, we need quadratic elements. So we convert the linear to quadratic mesh. If you want to make sure that the midside nodes will be locked to the geometry, you can tick the medium nodes on geometry.
Save the mesh: in the mesh module, right click on the <mesh_name> --> Export to MED file, give file name or accept default (Mesh.med in this case) and <save>. Now the mesh is available for Aster and calculations can be performed.
ASTK - Aster
General way of working
For the calculations we need two input files:
- mesh file, this has been discussed in the previous part
- command file, a list of commands for processing by Aster
Several output files are generated by Aster, look here for more [information]. ASTK is the interface for defining input and output files that are needed by Aster. The mesh file is already available so we are going to discuss the command file now.
The comm files is sequence of commands processed by Aster. In this case the rough outline is:
- read the mesh file
- define material and mechanical properties to the geometrical entities
- define a model
- perform the calculations
- determine the displacements and stresses at the nodes based on the previous step
- write the quantities to a result mesh file
Detailed commands
Reading mesh and applying the model
Here the commands are discussed in detail.
In principle these are a Python commands. Any valid Python expression can be inserted in the command file.
First command is always DEBUT. The initial mesh meshinit is read. This is now a quadratic triangular mesh. Each triangle has 6 nodes: 3 corner nodes and 3 midside nodes. Since we are going to use a COQUE_3D modelisation, that uses 7 nodes for a triangle, we need to convert this mesh to meshmod.
- meshmod <-- meshinit [CREA_MAILLAGE]
To control the orientation of the normals of meshmod we use MODI_MAILLAGE to make sure that normals of all triangles point in the same direction and we can give these normals a dedicated direction.
Based on the meshes mechanical models are built:
- modeinit <-- meshinit <-- 6 nodes triangle [AFFE_MODELE]
- modmod <-- meshmod <-- 7 nodes triangle [AFFE_MODELE]
definition of models
modinit=AFFE_MODELE(MAILLAGE=meshinit, AFFE=_F(GROUP_MA= ('Fbot','Fmain','Ftop','Fcentre1','Fcentre2',), PHENOMENE='MECANIQUE', MODELISATION='3D',),);
meshmod=MODI_MAILLAGE(reuse =meshmod, MAILLAGE=meshmod, ORIE_NORM_COQUE=_F(GROUP_MA=('Fbot','Fmain','Ftop','Fcentre1','Fcentre2',),),); ###VECT_NORM= (0,0,+1),NOEUD='N19'),);
shell - mechanical properties
The shell characteristics are not defined in the mesh. So parameters like thickness need to determined here. All the shell characteristics are defined by the AFFE_CARA_ELEM command:
- the model to be used MODELE
- the geometrical parts on which it applies: COQUE=_F(parts)
- thickness EPAIS
- number of layers COQUE_NCOU (one is enough for a linear calculation)
- local coordinate system by VECTEUR=(lx,ly,lz). The projection of this vector on the shell defines the local x axis. The local y axis is perpendicular to the local x axis in the shell plane. The local z axis is -hence- the normal on the plane. Default value is global x axis (1,0,0). This is important for local stresses (SIXX, SIYY, SIZZ, SIXY, SIXZ and SIYZ) and strains.
- offset EXCENTREMENT (not applicable for COQUE_3D modelisation).
th = 0.55 shellch=AFFE_CARA_ELEM(MODELE=modmod, COQUE=_F(GROUP_MA=('Fbot','Fmain','Ftop','Fcentre1','Fcentre2',), EPAIS=th, VECTEUR=(1.0,0.0,0.0,), COQUE_NCOU=1, EXCENTREMENT=0.000),);
You can define the material properties by DEFI_MATERIAU
steel=DEFI_MATERIAU(ELAS=_F(E=210000000000.0, NU=0.3, RHO=7850.0,),); concrete=DEFI_MATERIAU(ELAS=_F(E=32000000000.0, NU=0.2, RHO=2500.0,),);
The material properties need to applied to the selected parts of the geometry, in this case all parts are selected (TOUT='OUI')
material=AFFE_MATERIAU(MAILLAGE=meshmod, AFFE=_F(TOUT='OUI', MATER=concrete,),);
Applying load and boundary conditions on the construction by the command AFFE_CHAR_MECA. The key words are:
- loads are applied to model: MODELE=modmod
- defintion of prescribed displacements by DDL_IMPO applied on several groups
- ... geometrical group: GROUP_MA=(part),
- ... fixed displacement in directions eg DX=DY=DZ=0.00
- apply a pressure on groups: FORCE_COQUE
- ... geometrical group: GROUP_MA=(part),
- ... value of pressue PRES=pressure
load_bc=AFFE_CHAR_MECA(MODELE=modmod, DDL_IMPO=(_F(GROUP_MA='Lleft', DX=0.0, DY=0.0, DZ=0.0,), _F(GROUP_MA='Lright', DZ=0.0,),), FORCE_COQUE=(_F(GROUP_MA='Fbot', PRES=29.5e3,), _F(GROUP_MA='Fmain', PRES=25.8e3,), _F(GROUP_MA='Ftop', PRES=24.3e3,), _F(GROUP_MA=('Fcentre1','Fcentre2',), PRES=182.6e3,),),);
static calculation
determine element and nodel properties
determine stress at outer layer
Shell6.comm.zip http://www.caelinux.org/wiki/images/e/e4/Shell6.comm.zip - obsolete: bad bc
- Deformed shape
local stresses
equivalent stresses
For the load case:
load_bc=AFFE_CHAR_MECA(MODELE=modmod, DDL_IMPO=(_F(GROUP_MA=('Lleft',), DX=0.0, DY=0.0, DZ=0.0,), _F(GROUP_MA='Lright', DZ=0.0,),), FORCE_COQUE=(_F(GROUP_MA=('Fcentre1','Fcentre2'),PRES=182.6e3,), _F(GROUP_MA=('Ftop' ),PRES=24.3e3,), _F(GROUP_MA=('Fbot' ),PRES=29.5e3,), _F(GROUP_MA=('Fmain'),PRES=25.8e3,),),);
Correct boundary conditions are: Lleft: (DX=0.0,DY=0.0,DZ=0.0); Lright: (DZ=0.0); Ltop,Lbot: free
.... ### added for nodal forces and reaction forces resu=CALC_NO(reuse =resu, RESULTAT=resu, OPTION= ('FORC_NODA','REAC_NODA',),); ....
In the command DEFI_GROUP in principle only 'Lleft' and 'Lright' need to be taken into account since 'Ltop' and 'Lbot' have no support (except for the nodes intersecting with 'Lbot' and 'Ltop'). We create node groups of the geometrical entities defined given in GROUP_MA.
meshmod=DEFI_GROUP(reuse =meshmod, MAILLAGE=meshmod, CREA_GROUP_NO=(_F(NOM='Nbot',GROUP_MA=('Lbot',),), _F(NOM='Ntop',GROUP_MA=('Ltop',),), _F(NOM='Nleft',GROUP_MA=('Lleft',),), _F(NOM='Nright',GROUP_MA=('Lright',),),),);
We make a union by UNION of the four previously defined node groups
meshmod=DEFI_GROUP(reuse =meshmod, MAILLAGE=meshmod, #[CREA_GROUP_MA=_F(NOM='npf1',GROUP_MA=('pf1',),),] #[CREA_GROUP_NO=_F(GROUP_MA='npf1',),] CREA_GROUP_NO=_F(NOM='Nall',UNION=('Nbot','Ntop','Nleft','Nright',),),);
Determine a table for nodal reaction forces TB_nodf. The values are stored in REAC_NODA and FORC_NODA fields (champ). The forces are determined on the supported area Nall (in principle Ltop and Lbot, the other two Lleft and Lright have no reaction forces and may be omitted).
IMPR_TABLE(TABLE=TB_nodf, FORMAT='TABLEAU', UNITE=26, SEPARATEUR=' * ', TITRE='reaction forces at nodes on group allnodes');
The reaction and nodal forces on the supporting edges are:
[loads * areas: 24.3 * 7.966 + 182.6 * 6.0249 * 2 + 25.8 * 73.3 + 29.5 * 25.605 = 5040.4 kN = 5.040E+06 N]
#reaction forces at nodes on group allnodes #[Reaction] Nodal Forces * INTITULE * RESU * NOM_CHAM * NUME_ORDRE * INST * DX * DY * DZ * ReactionForces * resu * REAC_NODA * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * 8.06178E-07 * 1.01537E-06 * -5.04036E+06 * NodalForces * resu * FORC_NODA * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * - * - * -4.74524E+06
To write to reaction forces to a med file and display them in Salome you can use:
[Gives a bit strange results for now ....]
Note the the pressures have reversed sign here for nicer visual effect.
Extraction of maximum displacements
This writes all the displacements of the selected areas to a file:
TB_nodf=POST_RELEVE_T(ACTION=(_F(OPERATION='EXTRACTION', INTITULE='displacements dz', RESULTAT=resu, NOM_CHAM='DEPL', TOUT_ORDRE='OUI', GROUP_NO='Nall', NOM_CMP='DZ',),), INFO=1, TITRE='[Reaction] Nodal Forces',);
#reaction forces at nodes on group allnodes #[Reaction] Nodal Forces * INTITULE * NOEUD * RESU * NOM_CHAM * NUME_ORDRE * INST * ABSC_CURV * COOR_X * COOR_Y * COOR_Z * DX * DY * DZ * ReactionForces * - * resu * REAC_NODA * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * - * - * - * - * 8.06178E-07 * 1.01537E-06 * -5.04036E+06 * NodalForces * - * resu * FORC_NODA * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * - * - * - * - * - * - * -4.74524E+06 * displacements dz * N8 * resu * DEPL * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * 9.49092E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * - * - * 1.91020E-15 * displacements dz * N23 * resu * DEPL * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * 2.85069E+00 * 6.64023E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * - * - * -1.30174E-15 * displacements dz * N28 * resu * DEPL * 1 * 0.00000E+00 * 7.59046E+00 * 1.90046E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * 0.00000E+00 * - * - * 1.70925E-16
.... <continues ....>
Minimum and maximum displacements: The OPERATION='EXTREMA' calculates the MIN, MAX, MIN_ABS, MAX_ABS values of a requested field on the geometrical area: see http://www.code-aster.org/V2/doc/v9/man_u/u4/u4.81.21.pdf
TB_nodf=POST_RELEVE_T(ACTION=_F(OPERATION='EXTREMA', INTITULE='displacements dz', RESULTAT=resu, NOM_CHAM='DEPL', TOUT_ORDRE='OUI', GROUP_NO='Nall', NOM_CMP='DZ',), INFO=2, TITRE='Min/max of displacement DZ',);
#extreme displacements on group allnodes #Min/max of displacement DZ * INTITULE * RESU * NOM_CHAM * NUME_ORDRE * EXTREMA * NOEUD * CMP * VALE * displacements dz * resu * DEPL * 1 * MAX * N115 * DZ * 2.91659E-02 * displacements dz * resu * DEPL * 1 * MIN * N241 * DZ * -1.94659E-19 * displacements dz * resu * DEPL * 1 * MAX_ABS * N115 * DZ * 2.91659E-02 * displacements dz * resu * DEPL * 1 * MIN_ABS * N152 * DZ * 4.74802E-22
Kees look at Talk page...
- done that - added some remarks