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Material behaviour Mooney-Rivlin

Simple block of Mooney-Rivlin material

september 2011 - Salome 6.3 - Code Aster VERSION DE DEVELOPPEMENT 11.00.10 - Ubuntu 11.04

This is a simple example of a block of Mooney-Rivlin material. As usual, the input and partly the output files can be found at the end of this contribution.
Errors are all mine.
Creative criticism welcome (of course I rather have positive than negative remarks).
Have fun.


This is really annoying. A block of 5x12x43 [mm]. My only excuse is that it does show the behaviour of the material.
Four groups are defined on the block: two areas, top and bottom areas, and two node groups: centre node of the bottom plane and two nodes on the extreme positon of the y-axis. The are used to define boundary conditions and pressure (load).

Kw mooneyrivlin block.png : Kw mooneyrivlin groups.png