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Official Code-Saturne Documentation

The original online documentation of Code-Saturne can be found here:

Link: Code-Saturne Official Website

Code-Saturne Users Wiki at the University of Manchester

A great Wiki about the use of Code-Saturne maintained by the University of Manchester

Link: Saturne Users Wiki @ U. Manchester


Tutorials by EDF

Code Saturne version 2.0.0rc2 Tutorial


  • The present document is a tutorial for Code Saturne version 2.0.0-rc1. It presents five simple test cases

and guides the future Code Saturne user step by step into the preparation and the computation of the cases.

  • The test case directories, containing the necessary meshes and data are available in the examples


  • This tutorial focuses on the procedure and the preparation of the Code Saturne computations. For

more elements on the structure of the code and the definition of the different variables, it is higly recommended to refer to the user manual.

Link: tutorial.pdf Others docs from Code_Saturne 2.0-rc2 released: Link: user.pdf Link: theory.pdf Link: refcard.pdf

Code Saturne version 1.3.2 Tutorial


  • The aim of this case is to train the user of Code Saturne on a simplified but real 3D compu-

tation. It corresponds to a stratified flow in a T-junction.

Link: tutorial.pdf

Tutorials by J.C. Uribe

Code Saturne Tutorial: Asymmetric plane diffuser (v2.0rc2, no graphical interface)

Includes The aim of this tutorial is to give an insight of Code Saturne to new users by solving the asym- metric plane diffuser case. The case was done experimentally by Buice and Eaton [1]. This flow in a planar asymmetric diffuser is a challenging test case since its adverse pressure gradient makes the flow separate from an inclined surface.

Link: diffuser_tutorial.pdf

Tutorials by somebody in MSc/4th Year Aerospace Advanced CFD Laboratory

Laminar Flow in tube bundlusing with Code Saturne 1.3.2


  • One of the objectives of this exercise is to compare the three different types of mesh-

ing techniques described above for a complex curved geometry, and assess their relative strengths and weaknesses in terms of solution accuracy.

  • A second objective is to gain more experience in using a wider range of CFD and

other software tools for simulations and post-processing; in particular here using the Code Saturne program to perform the flow simulations.

Link: tutorial-1.pdf

Heat transfer in rect. channel flow: a case study

Tutorial description We have put together a "case study" that explores the application of several different packages included with CAELinux (Salome, Elmer, Code_Saturne, Paraview, RKWard), and a couple of additional packages that we would recommend be incorporated into future releases of CAELinux (g3data for extracting data from published graphs, and Eureqa, a package for developing mathematical relationships from raw data, both of which are Open Source). The document includes a list of links that users might find useful...

Link: Contrib:CWarner

GuideLines on How to Chain Code-Aster and Code-Saturne

by Bracchesimo

Level: advanced


  • Setting up the Aster-Job
  • Setting up the Saturne-Job
  • Setting up a chaining python script

Link: GuideLines on How to Chain Code-Aster and Code-Saturne

section to complete...

Tutorial title


Tutorial description


  • list of points

Link: insert link here

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