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Varying thickness of shells - by Python

Static displacement of a shell under pressure

november 2010 - SalomeMeca 2010 (Code Aster 10.2) - Ubuntu Meerkat 10.10 64bits.

This is just a simple example of the use of shells (coque_3d) for static calculations. The main focus is on varying thickness of the shell by a Python list. The thickness of the shell depends on the average Ycog coordinate of the shell element.

General way of determination of the shell thickness

First the geometry and mesh is generated in Salome in the standard way. In Code Aster the mesh is read, including nodes number, node coordinates, element types and element connectivity. We use quadratic quad8 elements that are converted to quad9 (coque_3d) elements suitable for C Aster. Of each element the nodes are determined by the connectivity matrix, the coordinates of all the nodes and finally the centre of gravity. This includes the y coordinate Ycog. The element thickness th is calculated by th = Ycog*0.1+0.01 and stored in a Python list. This list is passed to the AFFE_CARA_ELEM command. Further processing C Aster is from then on as usual.

Geometry, mesh and material properties

The construction is a rectangle in the xyz plane. Minimum x is 0, maximum x is 1.0 [m]. For y and z these values are: [ymin, ymax] = [0.0, 2.5] and [zmin, zmax] = [1.25, 2.3456]. The varying thickness of the plate depends on the average y coordinate as follows: th = Ycog*0.1+0.01.
Boundary conditions are as follows: the two edges parallel to the y axis are restricted in all six directions. The material is steel, its mechanical properties are defined by the following parameters: Young's modulus E = 2.1e11 Pa, poisson ratio NU=0.28 [-] and density -though not needed- here RHO=7850 kg/m3. For more details see e.g. here where the details of the general calculation procedure are given. In the next part we concentrate on the extraction of the coordinates of the elements and the definition of the thickness of each element.

Kw varshell geom.jpg

Extraction of the coordinates

Among others, in this Code Aster forum this procedure is discussed.
In Code Aster, after reading the initial mesh, the quad8 elements are converted to quad9 (coque_3d compatible) elements. This mesh is called meshmod (modified mesh) and is used as the basis for the further operations.

First we adapt the DEBUT() command since we need real Python commands:


We import the partition module in the command file to read mesh quantities. And the complete definition of the thickness of the shells is stored in a separate Python script/module/file (construct_shell_thickness) in the path defined below:

from Utilitai.partition import *
import sys
from construct_shell_thickness import *

After reading the initial mesh meshinit with quad8 elements


and converting it to quad9, coque_3d elements


we define the local thickness of each element by calling

info = 1
ThicknessGroupShell = construct_shell_thickness(meshmod,info)

The Python script construct_shell_thickness does the whole trick. Have a look at this in detail. Standard, the characteristics of the shell are defined by the AFFE_CARA_ELEM command with, among others, the following parameters:


Now remember that the parameters in the _F(...) operator can be replaced by Pyhton list, in this case: ellist = {'GROUP_MA': 'shell','EPAIS':0.001}. Or more general:

 ellist = [{'MAILLE': 'Mxxx','EPAIS':thxxx}, 
           {'MAILLE': 'Myyy','EPAIS':thyyy}, 
           { .......                      },
           { .......                      },
           {'MAILLE': 'Mzzz','EPAIS':thzzz}]

where 'Mxxx' is the element number and thxxx is the corresponding element thickness. Eg in this example the following list is generated:

[{'EPAIS': 0.15423076923076928, 'MAILLE': 'M127'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.21192307692307708, 'MAILLE': 'M128'},
 {'EPAIS': 0.15423076923076931, 'MAILLE': 'M1061'},
 {'EPAIS': 0.21192307692307702, 'MAILLE': 'M1062'}]

General - extraction of coordinates

The actual thickness of the shell depends on the average y coordinate of it. This is extracted as follows. First read the mesh and extract a new mesh by the commands

meshCA   = MAIL_PY()

In meshCA all the quantities can be extracted:

 nonu     = meshCA.dime_maillage[0]    ## number of nodes
 elnu     = meshCA.dime_maillage[2]    ## number of elements
 ncoord   =                  ## coordinates of the nodes
 connect  =                  ## connectivity of the element
 NodeList = list(meshCA.correspondance_noeuds)   ## says it all
 ElemList = list(meshCA.correspondance_mailles)
 ElemType = list(

The procedure is then as follows:

  • step through element list
    • check if element type is quad9/coque_3d/number 16
    • read connectivity of the element: connectivity =
    • step through all node of the element
      • determine nodes and its coordinates
      • compute average (y) coordinate
      • define thickness depending on (y) coordinate
      • add thickness and element to list {...}

In 'real' Python code:

for ii in xrange(len(ElemList)):
  print ElemType[ii]
  if ElemType[ii]==16:  # select shell (coque_3d) elements
    #print connect[ii]
    shellcount +=1
thickness = [None]*shellcount
shellcount = 0
for ii in xrange(len(ElemList)):
  print 'elementtype: ',ii,ElemType[ii]
  if ElemType[ii]==16:  # select shell coque_3d elements 14:quad8, 16:quad9
    sumxyz = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    ncount = len(connect[ii])    # should be 9 for coque_3d (elementType 16)
    for jj in xrange(0,ncount):
      Gnode = connect[ii][jj]    # globalnode = connect[elemii,internal_nodejj]
      sumxyz += ncoord[Gnode]    # this might be written more compact --> for later
    sumxyz /=ncount
    # define your own code for thickness here 
    # thickness now depends on average y coordinate only
    thickness[shellcount] = sumxyz[1]*0.1+0.01  # make thickness depent on y coordinate
    tempth = thickness[shellcount]
    shellcount +=1
    #print 'average xyz - centre point: ',sumxyz,ncoord[Gnode]  #centre point is same average nodes
    ThicknessGroupShell.append({'EPAIS':tempth,'MAILLE':'M%d'%(ii+1)});  ## add 1 for element number Mxx

Normally, vecteur or angle??? and NCOU ??? need to be defined as well. Now the trick is

Things that might go wrong

Of course, nothing will ever go wrong. Except code written in Python and used in conjunction with Code Aster of course. All things go wrong then. First all kind of syntax error occur. These are relatively easy to capture and remove, because Python normally offers help by issuing nice error messages. Things are less trivial if you forget the +1 to inidicate the mesh element in the append command: 'MAILLE':'M%d'%(ii+1) because of the different numbering of Salome and Code Aster mesh (I guess). To see how the mesh is built up you can print the whole mesh FromAster: print meshCA, meshCA = MAIL_PY(), meshCA.FromAster(mesh).

Then you get eg:

N1         1.00000000000000E+00   2.50000000000000E+00   2.34560000000000E+00
M1        N3       N17      N18     
M15       N10      N29      N30      N12      N36      N37      N38     
      N13      NS1     
M5       M7       M10      M11     
M3       M9       M12      M14     
M15      M16      M17      M18      M19      M20      M21      M22     
M23      M24      M25      M26     

This allows you to check the correct node numbers, elements, connectivity and groups defined in your mesh. Starting with a small mesh is advicable.
Also carefully check the code that generates the thickness of the shell. It is very easy to make a mistake: selecting the wrong index of the coordinate array is an obvious one.
For a small mesh (3 by 4 elements) the Python list is as follows:

[{'EPAIS': 0.16625000000000001, 'MAILLE': 'M15'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.22875000000000001, 'MAILLE': 'M16'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.041250000000000002, 'MAILLE': 'M17'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.22875000000000001, 'MAILLE': 'M18'},  
 {'EPAIS': 0.16625000000000001, 'MAILLE': 'M19'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.10375, 'MAILLE': 'M20'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.10375, 'MAILLE': 'M21'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.041250000000000002, 'MAILLE': 'M22'},
 {'EPAIS': 0.041250000000000002, 'MAILLE': 'M23'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.16625000000000001, 'MAILLE': 'M24'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.22875000000000001, 'MAILLE': 'M25'}, 
 {'EPAIS': 0.10375, 'MAILLE': 'M26'}]

Kw varshell 3x4.jpg

Continue with the commands

Now we follow the standard procedure for calculating the static displacement of the shell under pressure. Normally we define the the thickness of the shell by:

th = 0.02

what will be replaced by:


Very compact, I would say. Unfortunately the whole process defined in construct_shell_thickness hides the effort here.

The MECA_STATIQUE command carries out the computation.


where of course the model modelc, the material properties, the shell characteristics shellch (oeps) and the charge clamped, being boundary conditions in this case have been defined in advance. After calculating the element results and printing the results by

result = CALC_ELEM(...) and

we can display the results in Salome (or any other post processing program).

Continue with the commands

Kw displacement mesh.jpg

to be continued ....

The comm file (see end of this contributionn) may be edited by Eficas [under Tools --> Command file editor (Eficas)] in the ASTK menu bar. You get a number of possible entries for each command.

Post processing with Salome

Return back to Salome, select Post Pro and select by File --> Import --> ie. the result file defined by ASTK ( Now the nice part of the work starts by making some colourful pictures. In the left window click on Post Pro and the + res33 appears. Click onthe plus (+) sign and the two meshes appear: meshinit and meshmod. Each have some subfields. The most interesting is the field Fields in meshmod. Click again on the + in front of the Fields and the frequencies of the MODES___DEPL___ appear. Now right click on the + sign in front of one of the frequencies and play around with the settings of the template window and modes shapes appear in the VTK viewer window. Have fun with different setting, by right clicking on the Def.Shape field below the frequency.

A view of the first mode shape is given here:

Kw first mod shell.jpg

Comparison to analytic results

All four boundaries of the plate are hinged. Comparing the first five analytic (Fth) to the numerical (Fnum) results [Hz] and relative differences, gives the following table:

 shape       Fth        Fnum         dif %
 1*1       7.429       7.425        -0.054
 1*2      14.757      14.751        -0.041
 2*1      22.389      22.381        -0.036
 1*3      26.974      26.963        -0.041
 2*2      29.715      29.702        -0.044

In total 8 eigenvalues are present in the range below 50 Hz, from 7 to is 47 Hz. The analytical results are according to G.B. Warburton, the vibration of rectangular plates, 1954.

Total mass of the plate

Finally we add a command to determine the mass of the shell. At the end of the command file add the following lines:


The results are written to a table in the resu file, in this case the file.

#ASTER  9.04.06 CONCEPT masshell CALCULE LE 14/05/2009 A 11:54:43 DE TYPE        

Standard the tables are written to unite 8, the result file. To write to a seperate file, add a line in ASTK with type 'resu', filename ./masse.txt (in Linux) and unit number (LU) e.g. 22, change the command line into:


and the results are nicely written to the file masse.txt seperately from all messages in the result file.

[You can also get the centre of gravity and the inertia of the construction, but I did succeed in doing that.]

Input and output files for the FE Analysis

Input files:

  • Python script for defining the geometry (
  • Python script for defining the mesh (
  • python script of geometry and mesh (combination of those above,
  • ASTK file (shelldyn.astk, you need to edit the path to your requirements ...)
  • command file (shelldyn.comm)

output file:

  • total mass returned by CA (masse.txt)

download the files here:

CODE ASTER version 10.X - TRIA6_7 and QUAD8_9

Update in the second version:


The problem is that no TRIA6 elements are present in the mesh. So version works on Code-Aster 9.xx but not on version 10.xx. In this example only Quad8 elements are present. The MODI_MAILLAGE keyword in the CREA_MAILLAGE comnmand in C-Aster 10 does not accept this part: _F(TOUT='OUI',OPTION='TRIA6_7',) anymore.

                 _F(TOUT='OUI',OPTION='TRIA6_7',),) ....;

If both TRIA6 and QUAD8 elements are present use:


If only QUAD8 elements (quadrangles) are available use:


If only TRIA6 elements (triangles) are available use:


The message file reports QUAD8 elements not available, but I guess it it the absence of TRIA6 elements that causes a F_COPY_ERROR:

! <EXCEPTION> <MODELISA3_32>                               !
!  Erreur utilisateur dans CREA_MAILLAGE/MODI_MAILLE :     !
!   Vous avez demandé la transformation de type QUAD8_9.   !
!   Mais il n'y a aucune maille quadratique à transformer. !


From Code Aster references:
[u2.02.01] Notice d’utilisation des éléments plaques, coques et coques volumiques SHB
[u4.81.22] Opérateur POST_ELEM
[u5.02.00] Manuel d’Utilisation - Fascicule U5.0- : Structure de données resultat Document: U5.02.00 - Présentation des tables
[u3.12.03] Modélisation COQUE_3D
[R3.07.04] Eléments finis de coques volumiques
[R3.07.05] Éléments de coques volumiques en non linéaire géométrique

Overview of units - Paul Carrico

--keeswouters 17:11, 24 April 2009 (CEST)