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Revision as of 08:51, 27 December 2011 by Keeswouters (Talk | contribs) (''December 2011 - upgrade Salome6.4.0 from version 6.3.1'')

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Installation & problems

  • Continuously under construction
  • pc running Ubuntu 64bit
  • My problems as well as general remarks regarding Salome, ASTK and Code Aster with respect to this OS are described here.

Ubunty Natty 10.04

December 2011 - upgrade Salome6.4.0 from version 6.3.1

Compilation runs fine.
At runtime the libic* files are not found:
Ubuntu Natty (10.04) provides version *.44, Salome asks for *.36.
Just use locate libicu in a terminal to find your version

Kw warning libicu.png

I created the following symlinks in /usr/lib:

  • ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
  • ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
  • ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

In the synaptic packagemanager the libicu-dev package has been selected:
Development files for International Components for Unicode
ICU is a C++ and C library that provides robust and full-featured
Unicode and locale support. This package contains the development
files for ICU along with programs used to manipulate data files found
in the ICU sources.

August 2011 - upgrade to Code Aster 11.0 - Salome6.3.1

SalomeMeca (still?) does not run under Natty(?). Problem not solved as far as I know; see [here.]

Download CodeAster11.0.10 and Salome6.3.1
I changed in setup.cfg:

  • PREFER_SHARED_LIBS=False # False/True (no change)
  • ASTER_ROOT='/cae/caster11010' (C-Aster path)
    • or call: python install --prefix=/cae/caster11010

and added in setup.cfg:

  • MATHLIB="-llapack -lblas" (see thank you B-O)
  • MATHLIB="-llapack -lblas -lgfortran"

CodeAster 10.2 does run the test files.
ASTK runs fine.
Eficas I just donot check.

Salome6.3.1 has the usual and offense, see comment for May 2011 - upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

Then cd back to download directory of Salome6.3.1 and

  • $ python ./runInstall (-b)

and all goes fine, closing with a warning:

=== WARNING: Some libraries are absent! ===

see image below:


ASTK/ASJOB menu entries now in English.

Kw astk interactivefollowup.png

Kw asjob.png

and interactive follow up in action:

Kkw interactive screen.png

Running the install without the -b flag (batch mode, not GUI) doesnot start the installer on my system. Weird.

May 2011 - upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

SalomeMeca does not run. Problem not solved as far as I know; see [here.]

Then download CodeAster10.2.x and Salome5.1.5
I changed in setup.cfg:

  • PREFER_SHARED_LIBS=True # False/True
  • ASTER_ROOT='/cae/caster103' (C-Aster path)
    • or call: python install --prefix=/cae/caster103

CodeAster 10.2 doesnot compile

ASTK has SSH issues:
(this is a bit complicated because CodeAster 10.2 actually did compile once, crashed and after re-install it did not compile anymore ...)
See SSH for details. From Public-Key Authentication onwards, running in a standard terminal:

    • [remove ~/.ssh/known_hosts]
  • ssh-keygen -t dsa
    • enter for passphrase
    • enter for passphrase
  • ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <name>@localhost or
  • ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <name>@<pcname>

First time ASTK asks for 'yes'/'no'. Select 'yes'. Thereafter it runs without aksing the user.

Kw error libgc.png

Salome5.1.5 has the usual and offense.
I followed JMB's advise to just copy the following files from Salome5.1.4 to /usr/lib (sorry Claus, next time I have a copy of these files ready and paste them there ;-)), see [here] or [here]:

  • and

[to be precise:

  • $ locate libg2c
    • $ cd to the directory
  • $ sudo cp /usr/lib
  • $ sudo cp /usr/lib
  • $ locate libgfortran
    • $ cd to the directory
  • $ sudo cp /usr/lib
  • $ sudo cp /usr/lib]

Since computers are just computers, searching for is not the same, I created a symlink:

  • ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/libg2c.s0

Then cd back to download directory of Salome5.1.5 and

  • $ python ./runInstall (-b)

and all goes fine, closing with a warning:

=== WARNING: Some libraries are absent! ===
One or several OPTIONAL libraries listed below are not found. This does not
affect on the correct work of SALOME platform.

BTW: the absence of libgfortran causes the cannot load library error in the mesh module.

October 2010 - installation of Salome Meca - upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10

Installation of SalomeMeca is flawless. SalomeMeca runs without problem right out of the box.
Upgrade and later complete new installation of Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat (10.10) also alright.

Start file:

# start salomeca2010
# echo start salome
cd /cae/salome514/salomeca/

Except avi recording. Remedy:

  • check with which jpeg2yuv whether jpeg2yuw is present. Not in my case
  • install mjpegtools via synaptic package manager
  • check again: which jpeg2yuv, now it is: /usr/bin/jpeg2yuv
  • you can check avi recording in Salome now (red button). Not in my case
  • In a terminal copy and paste:
    • sudo mv /bin/sh /bin/sh.orig
    • sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
    • sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash (needed? I didnot check inbetween)
  • you can check avi recording in Salome now (red button). Now it does.

Update Salome5.1.4 (from 5.1.3) under Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS 64bit

august 2010
I followed the upgrade guidelines by Free your CFD (you need to be 'invited' now), up to and including step 2.
The initial problems with fd disappeared. Some replacements for 64bits libraries are obtained.
All running well now.

New start up file:

# start salome5.1.4
# echo start salome
cd /cae/salome514/salome514/KERNEL_5.1.4
cd bin/salome

Update OS to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS 64bit

may 2010
The upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 poses no problems on the use of Salome 5.1.3, ASTK 1.8.0 and Code Aster 10.1.19.

Salome5.1.3 on Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 64bit

january 2010
Salome, Code Aster, ASTK, OS (Ubuntu)
I use Ubuntu Karmic 64bit, 9.10 till april 2010

See also Code Aster wiki:

See CA forum, eg:

Salome5.1.3 Mesh module reports error on folowing libs not found:

  • not found

missing libg2c file

Kw error libg2c.png

This can be solved by:
Append at the end of the file /etc/apt/sources.list by issuing the following command

  • sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

then add

save this file not found, see:
Fix for: /usr/lib/ not found during meshing Netgen-1D-2D-3D algorithm
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
[in my setup links to but does not work ....]

Synaptic package manager
Update the synaptic package manager and search for libg2c0.
Then add:
- libg2c0
- libg2c0-dev
Remove the added line in the /etc/apt/sources.list, to prevent different versions of the OS to collide.
This solved both the libg2c and libSMESH problem.
See eg:

Installation procedure of Salome5.1.3 on Ubuntu Karmic:
Create eg following directories


Download Salome5.1.3 [Debian Etch 4.0 64bit] and save in /cae/salome513/install.
cd /cae/salome513/install
extract downloaded file
cd /cae/salome513/install/InstallWizard_5.1.3_Debian_4.0_64bit
run <python ./runInstall -d /cae/salome513/salome513> and follow instructions
At the end notice the remarks on and not present and finish.
create text file with content:

# start salome5.1.3
# echo start salome
cd /cae/salome513/salome513/KERNEL_5.1.3
cd bin/salome

save (as on DeskTop)
[donot forgot to allow Execution by Properties, Permisisons]
double click (on --> Salome5.1.3 running

See also:

SalomeMeca2009 on Ubuntu Karmic [9.10 64bit]

After installation of Ubuntu9.10 Karmic 64bit problems with 32/64 bit libraries occur.

Problems with 64bit versions of libstc++ and libstdc++

libstdc++ and

I followed the suggestion by Artificial Intelligence, saying that:
So you need to install the 32-bit version of libstdc++5 on your 64-bit system.
cd ~/Desktop
sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb
getlibs -i libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb
See eg: on

libg2c file missing - see also installation of Salome5.1.3

Add at the end of the file /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb hardy-updates main universe
Update the synaptic package manager and search for libg2c0. 
Then add:
- libg2c0
- libg2c0-dev
Removed the last line in the /etc/apt/sources.list (ie the line just added to prevent collisions between Ubuntu versionn next time you have an OS update):
See eg:

Aster10.1 on Ubuntu Karmic [9.10 64bit]

General guidelines see:

Code_Aster 10.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 «Karmic Koala» (CAwiki)
Code Aster Installation on Ubuntu 9.10-64 (CAforum)


code_aster_forum missing python.h during compilation, install python-dev package by the repository.

Maximum memory
to increase the memory above 2 Gb (by JMB [1]): Edit the config file in [ASTER-ROOT]/etc/codeaster/asrun ([ASTER-ROOT]/ASTK/ASTK_SERV/config in Ver 9 or older). There is a memory limit variable that needs to be modified to 4096 (or higher as one chooses).

Kw 2048mb.png
(sudo) cp [ASTER-ROOT]/etc/codeaster/asrun /opt/aster/etc/codeaster/asrun.saved
(sudo) gedit [ASTER-ROOT]/etc/codeaster/asrun

Change the value for memory limit as shown below (around line 100):

interactif_memmax : 4096
and save file
in ASTK update server configuration: Configuration --> servers --> Refresh now

Eficas: for Eficas to work properly I had to install python-tk from the repository