CAELinuxWiki:Community Portal

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Revision as of 15:34, 22 October 2006 by Wikiadmin (Talk | contribs)

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CAELinux Community Portal Here are the main sections of this site.

For Editors, please respect the sections structures by using the correct Section prefix in new page names (like Doc:MyTutorial)

1. Documentation

Doc:Main This section contains all the tutorial / documents to learn how to use CAELinux in an efficient way.


Doc:PCLinuxOS Contains the documents related to the Linux operating system (PCLinuxOS) used in CAELinux

CAE Softwares

Doc:CAE Contains the documents related to the CAE softwares included in CAELinux


Doc:FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

File Formats / Interoperability

Doc:Interop Is the section for discussing / sharing experience about CAE software interoperability / file formats conversion

Internationalization / translations

Doc:Trans Is the main section for finalized translated documents & internationalization patches

2. Projects

Proj:Main This section provides a space for collaborative projects related to CAELinux, like internationalization efforts, file conversion utilities, utilities etc...

Code-Aster Internationalization projects

Proj:CodeAsterIntl The main page for the translation of the documentation & softwares related to Code-Aster

UNV file conversion utilities

Proj:UNVConvert The page of the UNV2X / X2UNV file conversion utilities