DynELA Quick-Start

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Getting Started with Dynela

DynELA is a dynamic finite element code hidden away in the CAELinux 2010 distribution in /opt/dynela. It was developed by Olivier Pantale, but does not appear to have been updated since 2006. The code is written in C++, and the official website is: http://pantale.free.fr/DynELA/frame.htm

To run it first do the following:

1.Change permissions for /opt/dynela and included directories and files so that you may read and write.

2.As a root user, open the file /opt/.bashrc_CAE and add in the path for DynELA. For example:

   export PATH=$PATH:/opt/dynela/bin

Now, you can run DynELA! You must run the program from the command line, from a directory containing files you wish to open. The GUI does not seem to allow one to browse. So you can have access to the sample file, do the following:

1.Open a terminal window.

2.At the prompt:

   cd /opt/dynela/samples/Taylor_Axi_Parametric

3.Now type:


4.This should open the GUI, and you will see some text data printed in the terminal window.

Setting up DynELA:

1.In the GUI, switch to the Configuration tab.

2.Under “Path” enter the following:

-Binaries: /opt/dynela/bin

-Manuals: /opt/dynela

3.Now hit the “Save” button. The program should now function, and the user manual may be read using the link from the “Main” tab. We didn't bother setting a path for the samples, because the “Samples” tab does not seem to function. However the sample file for Taylor_Axi_Parametric should now be visible under the “Main” tab because we started the program in its directory.

Running the sample file:

1.Preprocessing: The model and solution parameters are completely defined by one file. For the sample, this is Taylor_Axi_Parametric.dyn.

-To view the mesh, go to the Main tab and push PostProcessor, then select Pre-processor from the options at the top of the new window.

-You can view the .dyn file in a text editor. This can be done from the GUI by pushing the Edit button.

-The Extract button is supposed to allow a preprocessing view of the mesh, but does not seem to work.

2.Solution: To solve the sample model, just push the Solve button! Easy!

3.Post-processing: Push the PostProcessor button.

-If the software doesn't like the menu option you select, the post-processor will just quit. You can restart it from the main GUI.

-To view displacement results at a certain time step, click on the file drawer icon at the top of the right menu. Then select the file for the time step you wish to view and hit “Apply.”

-You should now see a deformed mesh view!

-From the menu bar at top, you may select Countourplot and then select a different quantity to view, such as von Mises stress, or strain for example. If you select an option which is not available, the post-processor will just crash.

-Have fun trying out some of the post-processor features! For example, you can easily create time history plots of selected nodes using the icons on the right-hand menu.

Other features:

1.Import / Export: DynELA has an interface to import Abaqus and Ideas files, and to export to Abaqus.

2.DynELA Curves: This utility allows you to further manipulate and combine curves generated from the post-processor. You can also load in the automatically generated file Taylor_Axi_Parametric_defaultDomain.plot and then view the curves.


1.Preprocessing and solver file: .dyn This file contains all data to define geometry, mesh, model parameters, and solution parameters. External files may be called from the primary .dyn file. Comments are marked by the / character.

2.Result files:

-A file is generated for each time step in the format: jobname.timestep.bin. These files are readable from the DynELA post processor.

-A default plot is output in jobnamedefaultDomain.plot and is readable through the DynELA Curves utility.

3.Other output files:

CPU-TIMES – text output of program execution time logs

CPU-TIMES.archives- archived data log. Note that if DynELA will not launch from the command line (Bus error) try deleting this file – then DynELA should work again. Must be a bug.

Jobname.log – detailed text output from solver

filename.plot and filename.gp – data files for curves you created in the post-processor.

filename.curve – data file for a DynELA Curves study, may call several .plot files.

If you learn more about DynELA, create some samples, or further develop the program, please post more information!