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Doc:Main This section contains all the tutorial / documents to learn how to use CAELinux in an efficient way.

Getting started

Doc:GettingStarted You should read this quick "getting started" guide before using CAELinux!!

Doc:InstallationGuide is the reference document to learn how to use CAELinux in LiveDVD mode and install the distribution ot hard-disk along Windows.

Doc:CAETutorials For tutorials related to the CAE software included in CAELinux. Also very useful for Salome-Meca users.

Installing Code_Saturne 1.4b on Ubuntu 8.04 (and others) --- user contribution.

Doc:Installing_Salome-Meca-2008.1 Installing Salome-Meca-2008.1 GPL on Ubuntu 8.04 --- user contribution.

French-English list of abbreviations: Glossary of Code_Aster Abbreviations

Other documents of interest

Keynote talk by André Ribes at CBHPC 08: Salomé platform: focus on the component model Select the PDF.

Official Salome Tutorials: OCC and EDF Salome Tutorials

Official Salome Documentation:


Doc:PCLinuxOS Contains the documents related to the Linux operating system (PCLinuxOS) used in CAELinux

CAE Software

Doc:CAE Contains the documents related to the CAE software included in CAELinux

FEM Learning

Doc:FEM Learning Documents about The Finite Element Method


Doc:FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

File Formats / Interoperability

Doc:Interop Is the section for discussing / sharing experience about CAE software interoperability / file formats conversion

Internationalization / translations

Doc:Trans Is the main section for finalized translated documents & internationalization patches