Doc:CAELinux2011 Tutorials

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CAELinux 2011 Tutorials

CFD Simulation using Code-Saturne and Salome


This tutorial shows how to use Salome & Code-Saturne to:

  1. create the 3D CAD geometry of a Y-shaped pipe in Salome
  2. generate a free tetrahedral mesh for the CFD analysis in Salome
  3. create an Code-Saturne simulation case and import the mesh from MED file
  4. model the steady state incompressible fluid flow in the pipe
  5. visualize the results in Salome

Geometry (based on a previous version of Salome)

PipeGeom2007 on the web or Download PipeGeom.swf

Meshing in Salome (based on a previous version of Salome)

PipeMesh2007 or Download PipeMesh.swf

Salome file with geometry and mesh


CFD analysis in Code-Saturne (CAELinux 2011 only)

Video Tutorial on Youtube or Download PipeSaturneAll.m4v

CFD Simulation using OpenFOAM and Salome


This tutorial shows how to use Salome & OpenFOAM to:

  1. create the 3D CAD geometry of a Y-shaped pipe in Salome
  2. generate a free tetrahedral mesh for the CFD analysis in Salome
  3. create an OpenFOAM simulation case and import the mesh from UNV file
  4. model the steady state incompressible fluid flow in the pipe
  5. visualize the results in Paraview

Geometry (based on a previous version of Salome)

PipeGeom2007 on the web or Download PipeGeom.swf

Meshing in Salome (based on a previous version of Salome)

PipeMesh2007 or Download PipeMesh.swf

Salome file with geometry and mesh


CFD analysis in OpenFOAM (CAELinux 2011 only)

Video Tutorial on Youtube or Download PipeOpenFOAM.m4v

CFD Simulation using Elmer and Salome

to be added soon