Contrib:Claws/Code Aster

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Revision as of 18:56, 24 October 2010 by Claws (Talk | contribs) (Code_Aster 10.1.X cases)

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Here I've collected and uploaded a series of cases and code-snippets that some might find useful.

I consider this an online notebook of my Code_Aster endeavors and I'll try to keep it updated with the experiments I do.

  • Thanks to everyone who helped me, and whos *.comm file I've taken stuff from - too many to write here :)

/Claus Andersen, Jan. 2009

Small guide to using AMD math libs with Code_Aster

Link: Using AMD math libs

.comm file examples

Link: .comm file concepts - mixed examples

Small snippets from various cases, tricks and other neat stuff - can be copy/pasted


  • Extracting max/min principal stress of a model
  • Extracting node reactions and forces
  • Create a table of the principal stresses from each node
  • Creating a node group from the entire model

Full cases

Code_Aster 9.04 cases

Link: Code_Aster 9.04 cases

Here I have uploaded some cases that are up to date with Code_Aster 9.4 (C_A) along with *.astk, *.comm, mesh-files, *.hdf etc. etc. They should be usable 'as is'.

The point of these are that I've struggled much with the now out-dated examples (they are still valid, but wont run in later Code_Aster without much editing) and want to provide an easy way of copy/paste for newer users of C_A.



  • Linear statics of an H-beam
  • Converting a mesh from linear to quadratic (2nd order) and projecting the result onto a linear mesh
  • Outputting to Ensight format
  • Non-linear plasticity study
  • Contact

Code_Aster 10.1.X cases

Link: Code_Aster 10.1.x cases

Here I have uploaded some cases that are up to date with Code_Aster 10.1.X (C_A) along with *.astk, *.comm, mesh-files, *.hdf etc. etc. They should be usable 'as is'.

Claws result.pngClaws liaison elem compare scaled2.png Wiki-piston-scaled.png


  • Piston tutorial, updated for SaloméMECA 2010.2
  • Applying torque to a structure - LIAISON_SOLIDE
  • Using parameters in C_A
  • Creating an animated GIF file of results
  • LIAISON_ELEM:Connecting 3D structures to 1D elements; using beams to substitute 3D geometry
  • Describing geometry with AFFE_CARA_ELEM