Contrib:Claws/Code Aster/10 x cases/liaison elem

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Introduction and theory

Code_Aster has the ability to connect elements of different dimensions. 0-1-2 and 3D elements can be connected together in all different manners, but in this particular study, we'll connect 3D elements to 1D elements and back to 3D again.

In many situations this can drastically reduce the work load on the computer doing the analysis, not to mention post-processing the files afterwards.

In a situation where you're only interested in what happens at the boundaries, theres no need to model and calculate the areas inbetween.

The way to go about this, is to describe the area inbetween, instead of modeling it.

For this feat, Code_Aster provides a powerful command called LIAISON_ELEM.

This is the result of we'll be working towards in this study

Claws liaison elem compare scaled.png