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When this command has been executed, you can psot-process your data in any "Ensight-compatible" software (like Paraview for example) by loading the ".case" file created in the ''ensight_result_directory''.
When this command has been executed, you can psot-process your data in any "Ensight-compatible" software (like Paraview for example) by loading the ".case" file created in the ''ensight_result_directory''.
Here is an archive of the "helpers" toolset. To run it, you should install the files in "/opt/helpers" directory.
Download link: [[Media:helpers.tar.gz]]
''Note that it corresponds to the /opt/helpers directory of the latest version of CAELinux, without the documentations.''

Revision as of 18:04, 22 January 2007

"Helpers" toolset

This page presents a set of tools / wizards designed to simplify the work with OpenSource CAE softwares. You will also find here the latest version of these tools, which corresponds to the directory "/opt/helpers" of CAELinux.

Content of "Helpers" package

This toolset contains the following scripts/wizards:


This Python/Tkinter script is a template-based GUI for the creation of ASTK profiles. It really simplifies the joint use of Salome & Code-Aster for beginners.

How to start:

from CAELinux, use the "New FE Study" icon on the desktop.


run the following command from a terminal:

python /opt/helpers/CreateJob.py


This python script can be used to automatically generate an Ensight ".case" file from a Code-Aster field output written in Ensight format.

How to use it:

in a terminal, run the following command:

python /opt/helpers/GenEnsightCase.py ensight_result_directory

where ensight_result_directory is the path to the Ensight field output directory created by Code-Aster.

When this command has been executed, you can psot-process your data in any "Ensight-compatible" software (like Paraview for example) by loading the ".case" file created in the ensight_result_directory.


Here is an archive of the "helpers" toolset. To run it, you should install the files in "/opt/helpers" directory.

Download link: Media:helpers.tar.gz

Note that it corresponds to the /opt/helpers directory of the latest version of CAELinux, without the documentations.