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                      Installing Code_Saturne 1.4b on
Hi, my name is Claus Andersen, I'm a mechanical engineering student, and this is my attempt to contribute to the CAELinux project
                      (Ubuntu) GNU/Linux
                      September 18, 2008
== Contents ==
I strongly encourage others to upload some working cases so we all can learn from them :)
== Introduction ==
[[Contrib:Claws/Code_Aster|Some documentation and test cases for '''Code_Aster''']]
This are some notes on installing ''Code_Saturne 1.4b'' on a Ubuntu 8.04
I'll try to make the procedure as generic as possible, so
anyone with any Linux-system can use it. It provides a good basic
''Code_ Saturne'' install that supports most options.
''Code_ Saturne'' is highly configurable - but we won't go there in this document.
This install-guide requires next to no experience to follow.
Other more detailed documents can be found or will be created in the
[[Contrib:Claws/code_saturne|Installing Code_saturne 1.4b on Ubuntu 8.10 (and others)]]
near future.
It is created with the help of David Monfort of the ''Code_ Saturne'' development
[[Contrib:Claws/Real_world_study_CodeSaturne|Real world study using Code Saturne 1.4b]]
team and www.CAELinux.com forum, who has been surprisingly patient with me.
Always check the documentation before resorting to violence.
== Obtaining Code_Saturne ==
[http://rd.edf.com/the-edf-offers/research-and-development/softwares/code-saturne/code-saturne-download-107009.html Downloading Code_Saturne]
== Preparing the system. ==
Using the package manager on your system, you can install the optional/dependant
libraries rather than doing a manual install.
Here's a list of needed libraries for this install - some might be
installed by default on your system:
  • libmedc1
  • libmedc-dev
  • libhdf5-serial
  • libhdf5-serial-dev
  • libopenmpi1
  • libopenmpi-dev
  • libxml2
  • libxml2-dev
  • Zlib
  • Tcl/Tk/Tix
  • Python
Now, please note that ''libhdf5-serial'' is not the same as ''libhdf5-mpich/LAM''.
This simple command in Ubuntu, installs the needed libraries:
claus@claus-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
libmedc-dev libxml2-dev libparmetis-dev libhdf5-serial-dev
gfortran tix
This should take care of most business - '''cgns''' has to be installed manually:
tar zxf cgnslib_2.5-3.tar.gz && cd cgnslib_2.5/ && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install
== Installing Code_Saturne 1.4b ==
I am installing ''Code_Saturne'' in ''/home/user/code_saturne'', but it does
not matter where you put it.
Creating the folders (assuming you are in ''home/user/'' ):
mkdir code_saturne
mkdir code_saturne/Enveloppe - extract '''ecs-14a.tgz''' here
mkdir code_saturne/Interface - extract '''ics-14a.tgz''' here
mkdir code_saturne/Noyau - extract '''ncs-14b.tgz''' here, '''patch-ncs-14b_080909.tgz''' should be extracted here as well
mkdir code_saturne/src - '''bft-107.tgz''' and '''fvm-0110.tgz''' is extracted here
Next you should extract the '''install.tgz''' in ''code_saturne/'' creating ''Install/''
So far so good.
- go to the directory $INSTALLPATH/Noyau/ncs-x.y.z/bin
- open the cs_profile file and set the following variables:
CS_HOME -> home directory of the Kernel
ECS_HOME -> home directory of the Preprocessor
CSGUI_HOME -> home directory of the
GUI SYRCS_HOME -> home directory of the library used for coupling
with the SYRTHES solid thermal code
- source the cs_profile to set the environment variables
properly (usually type ". ./cs_profile") (in the
$INSTALLPATH/Noyau/ncs-x.y.z/bin folder)
Edit ''code_saturne/Install/setup'' with your favorite editor and change
(the first one in the row) '''no''' to '''yes''' on the libraries you want to be
used with ''Code_Saturne'' - ''metis, med, hdf, openmpi'' (for parallel processing)
are good places to start.
Next edit ''code_saturne/Noyau/ncs-1.4b/bin/macros.Linux.mk'' (or ''macros_Linux_x86_64.mk''
if you are on a 64bit system etc.)to suit your needs - here you change
the root of your ''code_saturne'' folder etc. Likewise check the path
and switch (1 or 0) for other libraries. OpenMPI in Ubuntu is for
example found in ''/usr/lib/openmpi'' and consider experimenting with Atlas
== Launching the install-script ==
Once done with the preparation, enter the ''Install/'' folder and type
'''python install_saturne.py '''. Lean back and say a silent prayer. The
script should now build and install the required modules into ''/home/user/code_saturne''
    • Consult the readme.txt (''Install/'') if you encounter problems -
      or visit the forum on CAELinux.com - It is the most active Code_saturne
      forum at the moment
    • I had to install extra latex-packages during the install-script
    • After installing is done and you sourced the cs_profile correctly,
      you should be able to create a study with cs_create -study studyname
      - otherwise return to start, rinse and repeat. Most errors are
      (somewhat) easily traced, others require the forum at http://www.caelinux.com
      - now go and have fun :)
Claus Andersen

Latest revision as of 14:00, 9 December 2010

Hi, my name is Claus Andersen, I'm a mechanical engineering student, and this is my attempt to contribute to the CAELinux project

I strongly encourage others to upload some working cases so we all can learn from them :)



Some documentation and test cases for Code_Aster


Installing Code_saturne 1.4b on Ubuntu 8.10 (and others)

Real world study using Code Saturne 1.4b